1,921,582 | hectares of parking, USA [reference] |
259 | hectares/ sq mi |
7,419 | sq mi of parking in the USA |
27,878,400 | sq ft/sq mi |
206,836,415,555 | sq ft of parking in the USA |
1,394 | electricity, watts/capita (continuous) [reference] |
0.19 | capacity factor, solar |
10 | watts/sf solar |
734 | sf required per capita |
281,914,770 | population that could be served by solar panels over parking in the USA |
276,000,000 | population of the USA |
102% | percentage that could be served by solar panels over parking in the USA |
Following this logic, with 13,998,033 hectares in the USA devoted to roadways, 744% of the population could be served by solar panels over all roadways in the USA. [reference]
And in like fashion, the roofs on residences alone could handle 50% of all electrical demand in the USA. [reference] On average, there is more than enough sunlight landing on the roof of a home to meet its own power requirements.
For detailed calculations, see spreadsheet.