The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

by Carlo M. Cipolla, Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley
in Whole Earth Review, Spring 1987


The First Basic Law of Human Stupidity asserts without ambiguity that

Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation...

As you consider Dr. Cipolla's perspective on such matters, what do you think of the people who manage his estate?

From: Adrian Giga []
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 3:13 AM
To: Webmaster
Subject: ECOMAIL Ecotopia Website - copyright infringement

Dear webmaster,

Please note that at the following URL: is posted a material that we
seriously suspect it has not the permission of the exclusive rights of
the owner ( We have the right to translate it in
romanian and to distribute the translation, so the work posted by you
could seriously affect us, so we would appreciate if you will send us a
proof of having the rights or, in other case, if you would remove it as
soon as possible.

Thank you in advance!
[Second Message]

Subject: 	Re: ECOMAIL Ecotopia Website - copyright infringement
Date: 	Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:13:37 +0200
From: 	Adrian Giga 
To: 	     Webmaster 

I[f] you don't remove the material, we will report the situation to our national authorities and to the InterPol. 

Thank you.
Florin-Adrian Giga 

Legal Counselor


Piata Presei Libere nr. 1
Corp C1, etaj 1, Sector 1
013701 Bucuresti, Romania

Tel: (+4021) 408 83 50 int. 170
Fax: (+4021) 408 83 51
Mobil: (+40) 731493267 (magazin online)

You may be able to find this material on internet archive websites. It was posted here around 2000 and was still in place until recently.

2013 November 18